)0( Day of the Goddess
We are living in a a time of cleansing and amazing spiritual enlightenment and
women you are at the forefront of it all, as all begins and ends with you.
So connected are we that even our periods respond to the calling of the Full Moon
which is a symbol of the mother. The full moom represents when a woman marries
or bears children. There is strength in unity, support, and knowledge when a woman
is in the full moon phase of her life.
This phase also represents sexuality, fertility and stability. The Full Moon is used
because this represents the fulfilment of being a woman.
A woman in this phase has married, had children, and has matured and they are
wiser than in their youth.
There has been an out pouring from women world wide, Our wombs ache and we
moan as if we are in labour, We crave to be in each others company sharing the
experiences that pull us and push us like the calling of the tide.
Quite frankly we need each other now more than ever. To share knowledge wisdom
and skills, let the healers heal, the nuturers nuture, the creatives create while we excel.
Day of the Goddess unites us together, our feminine energy is nurtured and charged
up to the triple 9's.
Women emerge together under the most important Universal Law, Love.
We embrace where we came from, remember who we are, our roles in this Universe.
Do you know the women in your neighbourhood?
Resources are always on our door step however because of the nature of the society we
live in, we hardly even pass 2 words to each other , therefore we miss out in the valvue
contained within the sisters in our community........Lets Network
Sekhmet is one of the oldest forms, or holders, of purification, in human history. She is known as the Lion Goddess of ancient Egypt. And, while most stories reflect her ferocious protection of the Way of Truth, she also is the most Benevolent Mother, Nourisher, and Sustainer of Life.
She is an early Sky Goddess, carrying the canopy of the Stars of Illumination of the Heavens across the Night Sky of her body.
She holds the ancient lineage as Protectorate of the Way, of Ancient Wisdom, of the Virtuous Path. She does not tolerate insolence or impropriety. But she also rewards humility, and those whom serve and make earnest attempt to purify body, mind and soul. And, she teaches the Laws of Protection through pure thought.
It is the nature of the viewer which perceives her destructive or protective potential, which is there only where protection or destruction give way to that most pure, or to new life. Those whom have nothing to hide, have nothing to fear. It is the pure of heart which she protects. That without integrity shall be made whole.
It is the purity itself which is the creative, sustaining, and protective mechanism. It is the strength of uprightness which aligns us with the Greater Potential of Self, where she resides.
She is Keeper of the Power of Sekhem, the Egyptian word for life force (we may be more familiar with the terms with which other cultures use to refer to this, such as Prana, Chi, Kawsay, etc.) She teaches cultivation, utilization, activation, and self regeneration of this life force.
It is said the word Sekhem is derived from her name. It is also said her name is the derivation of "Shakti", the primordial feminine creative life force of Hindu culture, feminine in nature. Therefore, it can be said she is identified with the great primordial Mother of all Beings, of all Life.
It is no simple co-incidence, for instance, that Durga, the Hindu goddess of destruction, an aspect of Shakti, rides upon a tigress or lioness.
It is this power, Sekhem, or Shakti, merged with the masculine seed or creative impulse, which brings forward the Creative Matrix into form and existence.
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